Armin's World Tour of Scotland

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Facts of the Day:
Date: 27/July/2002
From: Bay of Skaill
Via: Yesnaby
To: Kirkwall
Miles: 26
Midges: none I can remember
Weather: Cloudy with some sun breaking through
Mood: Very good

Picture of a surferEnough historic sites for the day. Several surfers were out in the Bay of Skaill. I watched them for a while and took a few pictures, unfortunately they were too far away for really good pictures.

Picture of the cliffsPicture of a cut into the cliffsJust south of the Bay of Skaill are some very impressive cliffs. If you look very closely on the picture on the left you will see a small spot on top of the cliff at the far end. This spot are actually two people, just to show you how high these cliffs are... Together with the waves breaking and the spray being blown away by the wind this was an amazing view, very difficult to catch in a picture. I spent quite a while up there, just looking out and watching the waves crashing against the cliffs.

A little bit further south is Yesnaby. From here you have a nice view over to the cliffs of Hoy, with the Old Man of Hoy just visible near the cliff. But Yesnaby also has its own similar stack, which you can see below right. It is not as high, but nevertheless impressive.Picture of the view to Hoy from YesnabyPicture of the stack at Yesnaby

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